Ben’s Tabbouleh


1 big bunch parsley (Oasis Hydroponics).
1/2 bunch mint. (Oasis)
2 Lebanese cucumber, cored (Patchwork Farm or Mammones or Manjimup Fruit & Vege)
2 tomatoes, deseeded (Mario or Tanya … so many of our summer/autumn farmers)
1/2 red onion
1/2 cup couscous
2 garlic cloves (Osmington Mill garlic or MR Bio dynamic Garlic)
lemon juice and olive oil (Urallba Olive oil or Agonis Ridge Organic  or Greenman Organics)
salt and pepper to taste the couscous in a flat tray and add a bit more than half a cup of boiling water, cover with cling wrap and let stand for 5 minutes.
2. fine chop parsley and mint and place in a mixing bowl.
3. chop the tomatoes, onion and cucumber and add to the bowl.
remove cling wrap from the couscous tray and using a fork lightly comb the couscous until separated. repeat that every so often until couscous is cold, than add to the bowl.
fine grate the garlic to the bowl, add olive oil, lemon squeeze, salt and pepper and serve.

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